If you’re looking to rent, The Rental Xperts have some exciting new properties on the horizon. We aren’t quite ready to unveil them, but we couldn’t resist giving our reader’s a “sneak preview” of these wonderful rental properties. These properties aren’t on the market yet, so you are getting a chance to hear about them here first!
Our first property is a spacious house in Encinitas. This 3 bedroom 2 bath home features all the amenities you would expect, as well as a den and a private pool! We’re making sure this will be the perfect home for your family, and giving the entire house a “tune-up.” When we reveal the house, expect to see all new landscaping, new paint throughout the house, as well as new bathroom flooring.
Our second property is a beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath condo in the Village Park neighborhood in Encinitas. This property is in an amazing location, and backs up onto open parkland. You won’t believe the view until you see it for yourself! We want this condo to feel brand-new for its occupants, so we’re busy upgrading every surface to make the home shine! The kitchen and windows have already been upgraded, and we’re installing all new carpet and tile flooring throughout the condo. The master bath is receiving a lovely new countertop, and we’re installing brand-new mirrors in the bathroom, as well as mirrored closet doors throughout. We are also upgrading the lighting and giving the condo a new coat of paint. We expect this property to be available for move-in around July 1st, so stay tuned for more details!
We’re extremely excited to show you these stunning rental properties, and once they are revealed you will see why we couldn’t wait to tell you about them! We’ll have more details about these, as well as other rental properties to come. Check back soon for the full details and photos of these upcoming rental properties.